Jennifer Aniston once told drew Barrymore that in the past she was being judged, ‘You come to a point in life when you’re like, who cares?’

by - February 23, 2024

 It's all love between Drew Barrymore and Jennifer Aniston. Aniston appears on the season 2 premiere of The Drew Barrymore Show that airs on Monday, and the two friends discussed a Twitter debate over which one of the two is a better onscreen partner for Adam Sandler.

The debate erupted last June on Twitter when a fan tweeted, "Name a better duo in a movie than Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. I'll wait." Barrymore's name then began trending after some were up in arms over the fan overlooking 55-year-old Sandler and 46-year-old Barrymore's The Wedding Singer in 1998 and 50 First Dates in 2004. 

Sandler and Barrymore also starred in 2014's Blended. Meanwhile, Sandler and 52-year-old Aniston co-starred in 2011's Just Go With It and later, 2019's Murder Mystery. On Monday's episode of her show, Barrymore says that what she loved most about the social media debate was that she and Aniston chose each other.

"Oh, well that's a no-brainer," Aniston replies. "There's the phrase the guys like to say, 'bros before hoes.' Always."

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